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Bring your own device?
Take a minute to read over the content below and
process why bringing your own device might
not be the best choice.
Don't forget to grab the permission form at the bottom of the page if this doesn't change your mind.
Board Policy Student Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

June 9, 2019

Bring Your Own Laptop/Chromebook Cost Comparison

Thinking about purchasing a laptop instead of using the school device?
The school's program is Free, comes with filtering software and educational software to optimize your child's education and keep them safe while on the web. 
We use Cisco's OpenDNS and Securly  for web filtering and safety on our school devices & networks. This software is also effective when these school devices are used on home networks outside of school. 
We use NetRef in the classroom to keep students on task when they should be.
Personal devices will not have any of this software. 

By opting out of the school program, you are choosing to opt-out of these key pieces of software that keep your child safer online (even at your home) and on-task in the classroom.
You are also choosing to spend more money on a device and repairs of that device.


1.    A student who wishes to use a privately-owned computer in school must complete a Student Request to Use Privately-Owned Computer form.  The form must be signed by the student, his/her parents/guardians, a sponsoring teacher, the school principal and the Technology Director.  There must be an educational basis for any request. 

2.    The Technology Director will determine whether a student's privately-owned computer meets the school unit's network requirements.

3.    Requests may be denied if it is determined that there  is not a suitable educational basis for the request and/or if the demands on the school unit's network or staff would be unreasonable.

4.    The student is responsible for proper care of his/her privately-owned computer, including any costs of repair, replacement or any modifications needed to use the computer at school.

5.    The school unit is not responsible for damage, loss or theft of any privately-owned computer.

6.    Students are required to comply with all Board policies, administrative procedures and school rules while using privately-owned computers at school.

7.    Students have no expectation of privacy in their use of a privately-owned computer while at school.  The school unit reserves the right to search a student's privately-owned computer if there is reasonable suspicion that the student has violated Board policies, administrative procedures or school rules, or engaged in other misconduct while using the computer.

8.    Violation of any Board policies, administrative procedures or school rules involving a student's privately-owned computer may result in the revocation of the privilege of using the computer at school and/or disciplinary action.

9.    The school unit may confiscate any privately-owned computer used by a student in school without authorization as required by these rules.  The contents of the computer may be searched in accordance with applicable law and policies.

Cross Reference:  IJNDB – Student Computer and Internet Use

Adopted:    February 14, 2008
Revised:          December 6, 2012


Bring your own Chromebook/Laptop Permission Form

​/Laptop Permission Form

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